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2500 years Balaklava coin 5 uah 2004

2500 years Balaklava coin 5 uah 2004
Series: Ancient Cities of Ukraine
The coin is dedicated to this ancient city, in one of the districts of Sevastopol. According to the testimonies of Strabo, Pliny the Elder and other ancient authors, the settlement of the Tauride tribe - Palacio (VII - VI centuries BC), around the IVth century, was located on the site of the present Balaclava. Up to E. It was captured by the Greeks, in the V century. N. E. - Byzantines The bay, reliably hidden from the sea by high cliffs, has always attracted attention - in 1357 the city was conquered by the Genoese people, built the fortress of Chimbalo, and in 1457 the Turks captured, and since then the city is called Balaklava (the city of fish).
5 hryvnia,
year: 2004
Circulation: 30000 pcs.,
Metal: nickel silver,
Weight: 16.54 grams.
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