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Coins issued by the National Bank of Ukraine in 2014
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Series: Outstanding Personalities of Ukraine The coin is dedicated to 150th anniversary of the church and educational activist, reformer, the first Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, a gifted preacher, journalist, writer, translator - Basil K. Lypkivskyi. 2 UAH 2 UAH two hryvnia, material: German silver, 2014
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800 UAH
Serіya: Vischі navchalnі mortgage of Ukraine Prisvyachena one s naystarіshih i naybіlshih navchalnih zakladіv of Ukraine, oseredku osvіti science i have yakomu berezhut i primnozhuyut traditsії, plekayut novі іdeї, formuyut natsіonalnu іntelіgentsіyu, pіdtrimuyut volelyubny spirit.
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550 UAH
Release Date: 07/03/2014 g .. Circulation: 30 thousand. Pcs. Denomination: 5 UAH. Commemorative coin "200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko" Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the illustrious son of the Ukrainian people, the great poet, artist, thinker, who made an invaluable contribution to the spiritual treasure of mankind, - Taras Shevchenko. Great Bard talent to reach the top Ukrainian and world culture, the strength of its national phenomenon radiates far beyond literature and art.
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250 UAH
Series: Ancient cities of Ukraine The coin is dedicated to one of the leading industrial, scientific and cultural centers of our country - Hero City Odessa, which is called the southern sea gate of Ukraine, a real gem, located on the Black Sea. The modern city has been inhabited since ancient times, here was a settlement and the settlement of various tribes and peoples and at the end of the XVIII century. on the spot settlement arose Hadzhibey port and the city.
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320 UAH
For the first time the National Bank issued a coin dedicated to friendly troops victorious unite Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus, the troops of Muscovy. Dedicated to winning the battle of the Army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the army of the Russian state near Orsha (now - the territory of Belarus). Winning the Battle of Orsha in 1514 halted the offensive Grand Prince of Moscow Vasily III Ivanovich and was of great international importance. Army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania , led by Prince Constantine Ostrog consisted of Polish, Lithuanian , Ukrainian and Belarusian troops.
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220 UAH
Series: Fields of Ukraine Dedicated to the beautiful Cossack lands that were situated on the banks of the Dnieper River, home of Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Taras Shevchenko. This region, which has significant economic potential and is known for its black soil , colored towels, called ` Ukrayiny` heart .
In stock
990 UAH
Series: Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The coin is dedicated to the liberation of Ukraine, which was the epicenter of the war the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany and its allies. Ukrainian land a devastating war rolled shaft - the towns and villages were destroyed, the economy destroyed, casualties numbered in the millions. The military action took place in Ukraine for 40 months, the battle for Ukraine consisted of 11 strategic and 23 front-line operations and ended October 28, 1944 total exemption from its territory Nazis.
In stock
290 UAH
Series: Fields of Ukraine Dedicated to industrial and agricultural region in the south of Ukraine, which is washed by the Black and Azov Seas. Kherson - a unique prairie preserves, land that has a long history, the land of Cossack glory, the cradle of shipbuilding.
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950 UAH
Series: Architecture Ukraine Prysvyachenia oldest educational and religious Muslim monuments connected with the history and culture of the Crimean Tatar people - mosques and madrassas Khan Uzbek, built in the city of Stary Krym early XIV century.
In stock
370 UAH
Series: Fields of Ukraine Dedicated developed agro-industrial region , located in the northeastern part of the Left-Bank Ukraine . Sumy - a treasure of nature with endless meadows, clear waters and rich forests, land with glorious historical past , Cossack traditions .
In stock
990 UAH
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